Homeschool Magazine for Girls

by Patricia
(Back to Homeschool Magazine)

Back to Homeschool Magazine

Back to Homeschool Magazine

14-year-old Ijana and 15-year-old Patricia, two homeschooled friends, realized that the girl magazines that they had read always seemed to talk about public school issues, questions, stories, or school fashions and projects. As the newer and newer magazines came out, they became full of more and more public school-related content, even including public school orientated quizzes and crafts!

When Ijana discovered that there were no magazines currently running that were geared towards homeschooled girls, she decided that it was time for one to be created. So together, Ijana and Patricia wrote and gathered the magazine content, created a cover, and later made a website and a forum for their free e-zine -magazine.

To read the magazine, all you need to do is subscribe for free through the site, and the magazine will be emailed to you, making it easily accessible. Back issues can be viewed on the site.

Back-to-Homeschool is the perfect magazine for girls who are homeschooled, where they can read magazine content that interests them and can be valuable- and fun- in their lives. It is also good for girls or their parents who are thinking about being homeschooled so that they can learn what it is like. Besides fun articles and stories, BTH also offers cool ideas for homeschool-work itself!

Back-to-Homeschool is also good to add into homeschool curriculum work: parents can have their daughters read the fictional and non-fictional stories, do the crafts, and even send in their own stories, artwork, pictures, and articles.

BTH Magazine is a great resource for homeschooled girls!

Visit Back to Homeschool Magazine.

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Aug 30, 2014
Any more issues?
by: Anonymous

Are you going to publish any more magazines? My girls would love this, but noticed the last one was over a year ago. Such a wonderful idea!

Feb 23, 2011
Thank you!
by: Bonnie

Thanks for this link :)
My 14 year old daughter, who sometimes feels she is the only 14 year old homeschooled child, needs to check this out!

Feb 22, 2011
Thank you!
by: BTHPatricia

Thank you for adding BTH magazine on here!

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