Homeschool resource for making friends

by Julie

I think your website looks really good.

I have home schooled my daughter who is 12 for 3 years and was wondering if you would consider having a page for home schooled children to get to know each other or would you have any idea of any other resources. My daughter is very shy and I think it would be a great way for her and many other home schooled children to chat and make friends.


There is a yahoo group for children and young people who are home educated. It is run and administered by two experienced moderators, and would be a great place for homeschooled children to get to know each other. The link is HECHildren.

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I wanted to say THANK YOU for your fabulous website. I found your website, and finally I have the confidence to take the plunge and take my daughter out of school and educate her at home, thank you, thank you.
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This is simply fabulous!! I just now found this site and I'm so excited!! The opportunities and suggestions as well as the need to inspire are exactly what I have been searching to fulfill!! I'm so thrilled to get started and even more excited to continue to explore all of the fabulous suggestions and creative ideas you have offered here!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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