Simple Animation Ideas

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There are so many ways of using animations in your homeschooling projects. It makes the perfect project to use different technologies and equipment - but also goes really well with other subjects you may be studying.

We have used animations to bring history and nature to life - and as a creative way to take our own creative writing a step further. 

Animations aren't hard to make - once you have an idea for it! And of course, that can be the hard part. So I wanted to share some of the wonderful ways it can be used in homeschooling.

Here are some of the animation ideas I came up with.

An animation is really just a moving story. So you need to have a story idea before you can begin. Than can be the hard part! Here are some ideas that I hope will inspire a story you can use.

  • Make a drawing come to life. Do you have a drawing you are proud of? Why not make it come to life?

  • Use a book or story you are enjoying and make a movie of it. Is there a particular chapter that inspires you? It would be fun to see if you could fit the whole book into a one minute film.

  • A day in your life. What do you do each day? Do you have a hobby that you could make a film about? Or what about making up a story about your pet.

  • Make an animation showing something in nature - a plant growing or an animal hunting. Or try animating the life cycle of a frog or butterfly. This type of thing is also good for time lapse photography

    Here is an short animation about Owls.

  • Show an historical event. Who do you admire? Is there a part of history that interests you? Could you bring dinosaurs back to life?

  • What about animating a natural event? Try animating a volcano erupting or an avalanche.

  • If you are making models for a homeschooling project (eg. Egyptian pyramids), why not use them to act out the day in the life of an Egyptian?

  • Write a movie script and use that for your animation.

  • Pick a song or piece of music that you like and make up an animation to go with it.

I hope that gives you some ideas to get you started. Check out how to make your own animation for more information about making animations.

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This is simply fabulous!! I just now found this site and I'm so excited!! The opportunities and suggestions as well as the need to inspire are exactly what I have been searching to fulfill!! I'm so thrilled to get started and even more excited to continue to explore all of the fabulous suggestions and creative ideas you have offered here!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
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